
Hi, I’m Lucie

I was born and raised in Prague, the Czech Republic. Since 2013, I’ve been living with my family in sunny California.

I’m a Montessori teacher and mom of Emma. Together we’re figuring out how Montessori works 24/7. All regardless of sleep deprivation and occasional desire to sit my child in front of the TV.

When I first started working with kids, I had no idea what I was doing. The child in front of me was incredibly capable; he could do a lot of things for himself. But why was he having tantrums? What did he need? How could I support his development with the right activities? How do I even talk to a child? I had a zillion questions. So I googled them. All I found was an overwhelming amount of information that was often contradictory. Shortly after, I met a new friend who was studying to become a Montessori teacher. With addictive enthusiasm, she shared the Montessori philosophy with me. Listening to her, it all started to make sense. I was hooked.

I finished my AMI Primary Training in 2017 and my Masters in Montessori Education in 2018.

I had worked in Montessori schools for 3.5 years before I left to take care of my own Montessori baby. And that’s when the puzzle became complete. I realized that having a strong foundation in Montessori helps me to see the big picture. At the same time, nothing taught me more about real Montessori than my own daughter. The struggle is real :)

I created Home with Montessori so you can avoid going down the rabbit hole. Most of the things I'll be posting here are based on the Montessori philosophy. I'll be sharing my experience and observations from Montessori classrooms and my home. I don’t have all the answers. But I love to research and look for them. And I’m a life-long learner and so are you.

Is your child gonna make you dinner after a week of doing Montessori with her? Most likely not. But you’ll learn more about her needs through the Montessori lens. You’ll be able to apply what you’ve learned and tailor it to your own unique home. Bonus, you will learn that setting up a Montessori activity can be easy and inexpensive. And if you are lucky enough, you’ll get to drink your coffee while it’s still warm.

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