How to Introduce Glue to Your Toddler

Gluing is another popular activity among toddlers. Many parents prefer giving their toddlers a glue stick rather than actual glue. If you can, avoid glue sticks and offer glue together with a glue brush. Using the glue brush has many benefits. It helps your child to refine his fine motor skills as well as his pincer grasp. Your child needs to use more skills when using it. For example, he needs to decide how much glue to use, and his movements need to be more precise when applying the glue. Do you worry about glue getting on your furniture or floors? A table protector and supervision go a long way.


You'll need:

  • small jar with glue (fill the jar with a small amount of glue)

  • paper (ideally construction paper)

  • small brush

  • small paper cutouts or shapes for gluing

  • tray

  • table protector (alternatively you can use newspapers)

The first introduction to gluing


  • Place a table protector (newspapers) on your child's table or have her do that.

  • At your child's table, first, show her how to open the jar with glue. Close it and invite your child to open it.

  • Pick up the brush and demonstrate how to use it. Show the child how much glue we need, how to get rid of excess glue, and how to apply the glue on the paper.

  • Then choose one paper cutout and place it onto the glue spot. Press gently, allowing the paper cutout to stick to the paper.

  • Invite your child to give it a try.

  • When done, show your child where to put the collage to let it dry. Demonstrate how to clean up.


  • When you're just starting with gluing, offer only a few cutouts. Once your child gets used to gluing, you can add other things to glue, such as pieces of ribbons or pom-poms (see pictures below).

  • Once your child is confident at gluing on the paper, show him another way how to do that. Apply the glue on the paper cutout, turn it over and stick it to the construction paper.

  • Does your child struggle with opening and closing the container with glue? Set up Opening and Closing activity for him.