Easy Science Experiment with Daisies for Toddlers and Preschoolers

I’ve been planning on trying this science experiment for a while. But I needed to wait for our daisies to grow. This experiment is for you if you have daisies in your backyard and some food coloring in your kitchen cupboard. By adding food coloring into the water with daisies, you and your little scientist will be able to witness how the petals change their color.

This activity also practices many practical life skills such as using scissors, pouring from a pitcher, and using a dropper.



  • daisies (or other white flowers)

  • small vases or jars

  • a small pitcher

  • food coloring

Science Experiment with daisies

Doing this experiment is a wonderful opportunity to notice different things and ask questions.

For example:

  • How do the petals change their color?

  • How long did it take to see the change?

  • Which color shows the most?

  • Is there a flower that hasn’t changed at all?

  • What happens if we leave the daisies overnight in the water with food coloring?

The older your child is, the more information you can give them. For young toddlers observing the whole experiment might be enough. Will you try this fun experiment?

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