How to Make a Necklace Using Nature Finds - Fun Activity for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Today I’m bringing you another nature activity you can try with your toddler or preschooler. This activity will get you outside looking for materials from nature to make your very own necklaces. Besides appreciating nature in a new way, your child will get to practice other skills such as cutting and threading. They will also discover many new things during the process. For instance, a dry leaf will break when used for the necklace, while a green leaf will stay in one piece. Lastly, this activity helps develop your child’s fine motor skills and concentration.



  • nature finds (leaves, rose petals..)

  • tapestry needle

  • thread

Nature Walk

The first step is to gather your materials, such as leaves and rose petals. You can look for them in your backyard or head out on a nature walk. The nature walk allows you to stroll through your neighborhood and see it with different eyes. You can notice various plants and trees growing in your area.

Remind your child that you’ll be only collecting things from the ground. Modeling this shows them respect for nature and their neighbors.

Bringing a basket or a bag will help you carry all the materials you find outside.

necklace Making

  1. Cut a thread for the necklace.

  2. Thread the needle. If your child knows how to sew, let them cut and thread the needle. 

  3. Tie a knot at the end of the thread. 

  4. Pick up one of your nature finds and demonstrate how to thread it to make a necklace. 

  5. Turn it over to your child and let them finish.

  6. When done, cut the needle off the thread and tie a knot. Let your child enjoy their necklace. 

Emma enjoyed making her necklace. When she ran out of all her leaves and rose petals, she left to collect a few more leaves to add them to her necklace.

She also discovered for herself that dry leaves break when you put a needle through them and that some items are hard to thread, such as a wilted camellia.

Will you make your own nature necklaces?

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